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Nightmares Santa Ynez Valley

| Family Counseling and Trauma Healing Center | News


Nightmares are most common with children under the age of 10, and are often triggered by reading a scary book, watching a scary movie, or experiencing/observing some kind of traumatic event.  While nightmares are less common in adults, they are nonetheless frightening and disturbing.  

Any problem in your daily life that creates undue stress and/or anxiety can trigger a nightmare.  Some of these stressors might seem “average” or “ordinary” but that doesn’t mean they aren’t taxing your mental wellbeing.  When the ordinary becomes extraordinary nightmares may occur.  Moving or the death of someone you care about deeply may also trigger nightmares.

Most individuals experience feelings of sorrow, extreme anxiety or helplessness during a nightmare.  Common themes of nightmares are feeling lost or trapped, falling or being chased.  These frightening dreams usually take place during REM sleep.

Nightmares Can Affect Your Health

Over 50% of adults report that they suffer from the occasional nightmare.  Women are more inclined to nightmares than men, but the older you get the less likely you are to experience a nightmare.  Nightmares can affect your overall health though.  Frequently interrupted sleep can result in insomnia.  This can lead to medical conditions such as heart disease, depression and anxiety.  Taking measures to reduce or eliminate nightmares is important to your wellbeing.  

Santa Ynez Valley

Between the San Rafael and Santa Ynez Mountains lies the beautiful Santa Ynez Valley.  The Trauma Healing Center chose Solvang, the heart of the Santa Ynez Valley, as its home.  The intention was to create a holistic healing center to help our local community, but also to provide a beautiful backdrop for those travelling from out of our county.  Our location, in Solvang, is easily accessible to anyone within Santa Barbara County. 


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