Pandemic Pointers Santa Ynez Valley
We thought it might be done by now…
Many of us thought this pandemic would be fully resolved by now. We thought our lives would be back to some semblance of normal. It seems like Covid-19 is not going to be done anytime soon... So, here are a few pointers to help move through the next several months.
1. Even though there are still important restrictions, connect with loved ones and friends anyway. DO IT SAFELY. Make sure you and those you visit with are vaccinated and if in close quarters indoors, wear masks. I was at an outside concert recently but people were pretty squished together at times. I opted to wear my mask for the duration. It was100% worth it to see live music again AND not have to feel scared.
2. Get yourself moving… preferably outside! Go outside… walk, hike, bike, yoga, dance, pickleball, etc. Whatever your thing is, recommit to DO IT! Do it more often than usual and have fun. If you can include others, even better! Need help getting moving? We can help - Look for Laurie. She’s our certified yoga therapist.
3. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe. It sounds so simple, right? When the anxiety and stress hit, we often forget to breathe in a way that is calming. There are some great apps that you can use for this or you can learn a way of breathing that is best suited for you and your situation. - Bryce can help if you need ideas!
4. Don’t believe everything you think! Our mind sometimes wanders to worst case scenarios and places of negativity. That’s normal; but YOU GET TO CHANGE YOUR MIND and choose to change your thoughts, which change your feelings, which changes your reactions. Sometimes this doesn’t work because the thoughts are locked into parts of the brain connected to trauma or severe experiences. If you are unable to change your mind or things seem to be getting more stressful or dark, Seek professional help. With techniques of healing these days, we are in a position to be able to help people move through trauma and through life’s tough experiences with evidence-based and measurable outcomes.
5. Watch what goes in! We know that processed foods are higher in sugar and chemicals. Read labels and try to eat as lean and green as you can. Also, alcohol is a depressant. If you or your friends are offering up alcohol as a way to manage your mood, you're actually doing the opposite. Since Covid-19 registered on our radar, anxiety, depression and substance abuse have increased by leaps and bounds. If you need support, please know the strength is in asking for help!
6. Don't put your travel on hold if you can do it safely! Make sure you are vaccinated and that you travel with masks in public areas, wash your hands a lot, and keep your social distance. But don’t wait until this is “all over.” We have to accept a new variation of normal. This is not a dress rehearsal! This is your life!
Our team at the Family Counseling and Trauma Healing Center offer 5 -20 day programs for intensive, holistic healing and support. We also offer services like yoga therapy, breathwork, acupuncture, deep bodywork, EMDR, art therapy groups, and meditation as additional wrap around services with traditional therapy. If we can help get you back on track or direct you to appropriate services, please call us at 805.697.7756 or visit us at