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The Shared Crossing Pathway Intensive Workshop

| Family Counseling and Trauma Healing Center | News

Sponsored by Family Counseling and Trauma Healing Center

Learning and guidance—at any stage of life—that prepares one for a conscious, connected, and loving end-of-life experience.

The Shared Crossing Pathway guides participants through a felt, emotional experience of the end of life. We offer practices that lead to deeper connection with loved ones and a greater acceptance of death—whenever it may come. An enriched life experience emerges from this acceptance as we make peace with the end of life. We also teach participants the Shared Crossing Protocols designed to facilitate a Shared Death Experience.

This workshop offers a very personal, relationship-oriented exploration into the eventuality of one’s death. It is designed for individuals at any stage of life who wish to mindfully prepare for this great mystery. We encourage participants to consider doing this program with a loved one, friend, or caregiver, as this can greatly enrich relationships and prepare them together for end of life. This is conscious preparation for “a good death.”We'll be using guided visualization, dyad and small group work, lecture, and discussion during our time together. Some homework is assigned such as reading and watching related videos. You can view the full program content here.

The benefits of this program are:

  • Reduced anxiety and fear about death and dying
  • Willingness to consciously embrace death to receive its many profound gifts
  • Gratitude for a heartfelt connection with your loved ones
  • Greater ease in being around friends and loved ones who are dying
  • Greatly improved sense of well-being in everyday life

This program is appropriate for:

  • Anyone interested in preparing for a conscious, connected and loving end-of-life experience
  • Individuals facing end-of-life with a loved one Hospice and End-of-life care workers, Chaplains
  • Health Care Professionals: RN's, CNA’s, Healthcare Advocates
  • Mental Health Professionals and Life Coaches

Intensive Format

  • October 1st - October 3rd
  • Friday evening (7PM to 9PM), Saturday (9AM to 5PM), Sunday (9AM to 3PM)
  • Located at 2020 Chapala St., Santa Barbara

Intensive Cost

  • Early Bird Fee (before July 31st) is $525; after August 1st is $625


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