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The Grief Recovery Method ® Grief Support

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The Grief Recovery Method® Grief Support

The Action Program for Moving Beyond Death, Divorce, and Other Losses

Myths about grief:
  • Time heals all wounds
  • Replace the loss
  • Grieve alone
  • Be strong for others
  • Bury your feelings

Your feelings are normal and natural. The problem is that we have been socialized

to believe that these feelings are abnormal and unnatural.

Whether your loss is from:

  • Death
  • Divorce or end of a relationship
  • Loss of a career
  • Loss of trust
  • Loss of faith
  • Loss of safety
  • Loss of health

8-Week Group Program - $300


People say you have to let go and move on in your life, but they don’t tell you what you need to do to accomplish that. The Grief Recovery Method® Outreach Program not only makes that possible, but provides partnerships and guidance to ensure that it happens.

For upcoming workshops and/or additional information call:

Anna S. Cook • Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®• 702-575-9835

2029 Village Lane # 201, Solvang, CA

Copyrights © / Trademarks (TM). ©1993-Present, Grief Recovery Institute®, John W. James, and Russell P. Friedman. All Grief Recovery Institute® related copyrights/trademarks are owned by The Grief Recovery Institute, John W. James, and Russell P. Friedman including but not limited to: The Grief Recovery Institute®, The Grief Recovery Method®, Certified Grief Recovery Specialist®, Grief❣Recovery®, and AARAM Formula®. All rights reserved.