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🎁 Don't box yourself in this holiday season, be the present!

The holidays can BE A LOT. We seem to start at Halloween and then cascade into a tsunami of tasks and responsibilities.

Here's a News Flash! It doesn't HAVE to be that way. No REALLY, you can decide how to live your life October through January. I mean, if you LOVE all of it, and you feel happy and at peace by January, then I say, keep doing what you are doing! If though, you feel OBLIGATED, tired and full of dread, I just want you to consider a few things.

1. You are allowed to say no. It's a complete sentence and actually saying yes when you really want to say no is kind of disrespectful, and well, it's kind of lying. I don't know about you but I don't want to have a holiday party where people are obligated to be there. How is that fun for anyone?

2. This time of year our natural rhythm tends to lean towards staying in. Hibernating, if you will. Resting, snuggling on the couch, reading your favorite author, playing board games, putting puzzles together, or calling an old friend just to catch up. The idea is to go with that rhythm of rest vs pushing against it.

3. It's okay to change traditions. This year instead of all of the presents and hoopla (which some years is so fun), we are going to rent a house in the mountains. Give yourself permission to call a family meeting and discuss options.

4. Focus on relationships. I like to make this time of year a time to appreciate everyone who is in my life. I make gestures to each of them throughout the season. It's really not about the stuff. I mean, for little kids, maybe yes, get the toy. For adults though, maybe consider thoughtfully crafted gifts, personal writings, pieces of homemade art or coupons for lunch dates…you get the picture.

5. Holidays can bring up hard stuff. Speaking of relationships, being around some family members can be challenging. Also, not getting to be around some of the people you have lost or that live far away, can feel laden with grief. Take a moment and allow those feelings to move through. I hope one day when I'm gone my family and friends will stop for a moment and notice the vacancy. I want the love I have for others to remain long after I am gone. Allow yourself the gift of remembering.

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